Chironico - Public Transit Overview

This is a practical guide for navigating Chironico using public transit. I’d like to note that driving to the following sectors only gets one a few minutes closer, though a do highlight at the bottom, a few sectors that are harder to reach via public transit.

The 15 passenger bus that runs from Lavorgo to the main boulders


Chironico has four main access points via public transit. These are the official names of the bus stops:

  • Chironico, Area Boulder (aka the main parking lot)

  • Chironico, Paese (aka the village of Chironico)

  • Chironico, Grumo (aka Grumo sector)

  • Giornico, Parondino (aka Schattental sector)

Bus Stop: “Chironico, Area Boulder “

From the Lavorgo train station, this is a 9 minute ride on a 15 passenger bus. The bus stops at the main parking lot for climbers with a large info sign at the entrance. The following sectors can be accessed from here:

  • Nivo alta, Barriera, Boogalagga, Deliverance , Matusalem, Frecce gialle, Teamwork

Bus Stop: “Chironico, Paese”

From the Lavorgo train station, this is a 12 minute ride on a 15 passenger bus. The bus stops in the middle of the Chironico village. It’s about 10 minute walk to the main boulders of the Paese sector. The following sectors can be accessed from here:

  • Paese, Border line, Freak brothers, Frecce gialle

Bus Stop: “Chironico, Grumo”

From the Lavorgo train station, this is a 17 minute ride on a 15 passenger bus. The bus stops in the middle of the Grumo village (up the hill from Chironico). It’s about 5-30 minute walk to the boulders depending on the sector. The following sectors can be accessed from here:

  • La soucoupe, Gnolla, New age, Les doights verts, Rah Plats Plats, Serre moi fort, Centrale, Intercessor, Monolithe, Le mur du son, 101

The Schattental bus stop after one of my sessions on Conquistador.

Bus Stop: “Giornico, Parondino” - aka Schattental

From the Lavorgo train station, this is a 6 minute ride on a large passenger bus. The bus stops along the river at a road named “Alla Monda”. It’s about 20 minute walk (first, along the paved road, then onto a gravel road) to the main boulders of Schattental.

Additional tips & tricks:

  • I recommend picking up a copy of the guidebook to help navigate to the boulders from the various bus stops. >Ticino Guidebooks<

  • Walking between the main parking lot (Chironico, Area Boulder) and the village (Chironico, Paese) is a relaxing 25 minutes. Overall, it’s relatively flat, non-strenuous stroll through the forest.

  • Schattental can be accessed from Chironico via 2 buses. First, take the bus down to the Lavorgo train station, then catch the next bus down to Schattental stop (see above). The total journey takes 18 minutes.

  • A series of hiking trails connect Schattental with the village of Chironico. The total hike is roughly 50 minutes (going up) and 40 minutes (going down). This is a great back-up option if you’re overnighting in Chironico, and you miss the last bus from Schattental back to Chironico (last bus goes up at 18:28). I had an evening session that went much longer than planned, and was happy to have this option. The hike has two steeper sections, but is not unreasonable. See the map below:

Hike: Schattental to Chironico (roughly 50 minutes)

The harder to reach sectors (but not unreasonable):

  • ‘Nivo bassa’ requires a longer walk from either the village of Nivo or from the main parking lot, or asking the bus driver to drop you off along the road where the sector begins.

  • ‘Altirolo’ requires a 25-45 minute walk from the Giornico, Paese Bus stop. It’s relatively flat and along a paved road.

  • ‘Gribbiasca’ requires a 25 walk from the Chiggiogna bus stop. It’s relatively flat and along a paved road.


A more satisfying way to climb


Public Transit - Tips for Boulderers